So your WiFi mesh is a mess?

That’s okay…. I too have read the many many sales brochures as well. Apparently, allot of WiFi mesh systems will automagically extend your internet, cover multiple rooms and make you look like you are amazing as all your team no longer have connection issues……apparently pigs fly as well.

Got to stop there sadly, as no, these brochures are a bit edgy on actual and typically the equipment requires absolute perfect conditions (including telling users to stand on one leg) to achieve stated abilities. Sometimes they even need you to wire them in……sorry mesh, what mesh? So why do these things fail?

Well, there is an absolute difference in WiFi approaches that ensures coverage, reliability, speed and most importantly disappears in everyones minds (because it just works) VERSUS the Mesh systems made just to keep one 4K stream in the back of the house working for just 2-3 hrs a week. Don’t get me wrong, there are the right places for different techs. For Mesh, its either in an easy environment (no walls, open air, line of sight, no interference type stuff) or the e-waste bin.

Alternatively one could focus on prevention and keeping connectivity a non-issue. So we design install and guarantee professional WiFi services that are manageable, maintainable and reliable. Now we don’t anchor on one product as each scenario differs, However, we do anchor on results for you, so much so that if our design/installation doesn’t work – we will remove and refund it.

Now does that mesh brochure do that for you and your business, or just waste your time with an empty promise?

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